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15 Vegan Winter-Warmer Main Dishes everyone will LOVE!

Since moving back to Melbourne, I’ve been super susceptible to the weather. Being a Melbourne girl for most of my life, surely I’d be used to bitter cold winds, chilly rain and winds that freeze you to the core….right? Pass. I have never gotten used to the cold. Having such a damp, cold constitution, I suffer in the extremes. Now don’t get me wrong, I adore Winter; the food, the fashion, heaters, sleeping in, snuggly weekends…. but the weather can stick it’s proverbial head up it’s proverbial ass. Back to food. That’s one thing I ADORE about Winter. Thick, stew-y soups bubbling over the stove, dough rising to be baked, endless pots of chai, roasted vegetables, al denté pasta with spicy...

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Before you drink your next green smoothie, read this.

Are they still the rage? I think they are going to have a resurgence again after Vogue posted Lara Bingles’ fave green smoothie recipe.   I’ve enjoyed them in the past. Oh yes, believe me I have. I’ve experienced the clear, glowing skin, the whites of my eyes getting whiter, the regular (and sometimes unexpected) trips to the bathroom, and the endless energy. I’ve also experienced dampness, bloating, heaviness, fluid retention, tiredness and digestive issues (a low digestive fire/agni) that I’ve been trying to rectify with my Acupuncturist for years. The dampness I speak of is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) term. I largely follow a TCM based ‘diet’ as it suits me, and it’s all about balance. In every...

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The Importance of High Fibre Foods

Since becoming a mother, I’ve certainly been more vigilant about my husband and my diet – and obviously Bub’s – as I want us to have the best chance at longevity and health! Eating a plant based diet has many, many health benefits; you eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains which include a multitude of vitamins, minerals and plant based calcium and iron. And one thing there’s no doubt that we consume is fibre. High fibre foods help you feel fuller for longer, help prevent diabetes by slowing glucose entering the bloodstream, help prevent constipation and can help maintain a healthy weight. Here’s 7 high fibre foods you can easily eat every day to reap all the...

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Five simple sustainability hacks for your home – lessen your impact on the environment, save money, and be healthier!

Ready for a challenge? When I started changing my lifestyle from consumable to sustainable, there were a lot of things I wasn’t aware of and things that I only discovered as I went ‘down the rabbit hole’. Some of it was obvious and simple, and other changes took a bit more time. Here are five extremely simple hacks that made my life a whole lot less disposable – including some information on SodaStream and how it’s helped us in the kitchen!  1: Grow your own vegetables This has been the best thing we’ve ever done in my home! I’ve got two amazing Healthy Patches filled with an abundance of vegetables and herbs that we can easily pick and eat as we go....

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An Easy Way to Reduce Plastic in the Bathroom…

How are you tracking with your #plasticfreejuly?! Last year was a brilliant success and many of you loved the tips found in these blogs here and here. However one thing many people have struggled with is one of the simplest things that we all need, and use, multiple times a day. No matter where you are in the world, this is something you’ll use… with the exception of a few countries. Guessed what I’m talking about yet?  I’ll give you a hint: We use it down south (and I’m not talking just in Melbourne!). It’s toilet paper! When you go to your local supermarket, you can see a wall of TP as far as the eye can see. And most of it is wrapped...

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